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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10597633"

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International Bureau 



(51) International Patent Classification 6 : 
A61N 1736 


(11) International Publication Number: 

WO 98/37926 

(43) International Publication Date: 3 September 1998 (03.09.98) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US98/03687 

(22) International Filing Date: 25 February 1998 (25.02.98) 

(30) Priority Data: 


26 February 1997 (26.02.97) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): ALFRED E. 

[-/US]; 12744 San Fernando Road, Sylmar, CA 91342 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): SCHULMAN, Joseph, H. 
[US/US]; 16050 Comet Way, Santa Clarita, CA 91351 
(US). DELL, Robert, Dan (US/US]; 19315 Old Friend 
Road, Canyon Country, CA 91351 (US). GORD, John, C. 
[US/US]; 806 Indiana Avenue, Venice, CA 90291 (US). 

(74) Agent: FREILICH, Arthur; Freilich, Hornbaker & Rosen, 
Suite 840, 10960 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 
90024-3704 (US). 

(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, 
BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB. GE, 
GH, GM, GW, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, 
LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, 
MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK. SL, 
patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, 
LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, 
CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


With international search report. 


(57) Abstract 

This invention is a device configured for implanting beneath a patient's skin for the purpose of tissue, e.g., nerves or muscle, 
stimulation, and/or parameter monitoring, and/or data communication. Devices in accordance with the invention are comprised of a sealed 
housing (110), typically having an axial dimension of less than 60 mm and a lateral dimension of less than 6 mm, containing a power 
source (104) for powering electronic circuitry within, including a controller (130), an address storage means (132), a data signal receiver, 
and an input/output transducer. 


Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT. 




































United Kingdom 






Bosnia and Herzegovina 




Republic of Moldova 
















Hie former Yugoslav 




Burkina Faso 



Republic of Macedonia 










Trinidad and Tobago 
























United States of America 










Central African Republic 






Viet Nam 


















Cdtc d' I voire 


Democratic People's 


New Zealand 



Republic of Korea 






Republic of Korea 










Czech Republic 


Saint Lucia 


Russian Federation 










Sri Lanka 










< _ ■ 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 


The present invention relates to devices configured 
5 for implanting beneath a patient's skin and more particularly to 
such devices incorporating a battery for powering electronic 
circuitry for various purposes including tissue, e.g., nerve or 
muscle, stimulation and/or parameter monitoring and/or data 
communication . 

10 Implantable devices for tissue stimulation (i.e., 

microstimulators) are known in the art. See, e.g., U.S. Patent 
Nos. 5,193,539; 5,193,540;. 5,312,439; 5,324,316; 5,358,514; 
5,405,367; 5,571,148, which are incorporated herein by reference. 

Such known microstimulators are characterized by a 

15 sealed housing which contains electronic circuitry for producing 
small electric currents between spaced electrodes. By precisely 
implanting the microstimulators proximate to targeted tissue, the 
currents will stimulate the nerve to produce medically beneficial 
results . 

20 Typically, such prior microstimulators derive 

operating power from an internal coil that is inductively coupled 
to an external AC magnetic field produced, for example, by a drive 
coil mounted proximate to the microstimulator . An AC voltage 
induced in the internal coil is rectified and filtered to produce 

25 a DC operating voltage which is used to power the electronic 
circuitry. Such an arrangement requires that the user remain in 
close proximity to the drive coil to maintain tissue stimulation. 

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WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

The present invention is directed to a device 
configured for implanting beneath a patient's skin for the purpose 
of tissue, e.g., nerve or muscle/ stimulation and/or parameter 
5 monitoring and/or data communication. Devices in accordance with 
the invention are comprised of a sealed housing, preferably having 
an axial dimension of less than 60 mm and a lateral dimension of 
less than 6 mm, containing a self-contained power source capable of 
supplying at least 1 microwatt-hour to power consuming circuitry 

10 for actuating an input/output transducer. The circuitry in each 
device is preferably remotely addressable and includes a data 
signal receiver and a device controller. 

Depending upon the intended application of the 
device, the power consuming circuitry can be designed to demand a 

15 high load current for a relatively short interval, e.g., for 
bladder stimulation, or a lower load current for a much longer 
interval or continuously, e.g., for bone growth stimulation. In 
accordance with the invention, a power source in accordance with 
the invention has a capacity of at least 1 microwatt-hour which for 

20 a typical application is able to power the circuitry for over one 
hour, thus liberating the user from having to be continuously 
coupled to an external field generator. 

In accordance with a significant aspect of the 
invention, the power source comprises a battery, preferably formed 

25 by a pair of conductive plates having electrolyte disposed 
therebetween. The battery is preferably physically configured to 
minimize eddy current formation. 

In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the 
30 invention, a charging circuit is provided for recharging the 
battery. The charging circuit is capable of producing a charging 
current in response to an externally produced AC magnetic field. 

In a further aspect of the present invention, an 
external charger is used to periodically generate an AC magnetic 
35 field for supplying energy to the aforementioned charging circuit 
and one preferred embodiment includes means for generating a data 



I. 1 

WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

signal representative of the status of the battery to the external 
charger . 

In accordance with a still further aspect of the 
invention, an identification address is stored in each implantable 
5 device used in a system, thus enabling individual devices to be 
addressed. That is, the data signal receiver in each device will 
respond to a data signal identifying the address stored by that 
device to actuate the device input/output transducer. 

The input/output transducer in accordance with the 

10 invention preferably comprises at least one electrode. When used 
for nerve stimulation, the controller supplies a sequence of drive 
pulses to the electrode to stimulate adjacent nerves. When used 
for parameter monitoring, the electrode is used to monitor an 
electrical signal indicative of certain body conditions. 

15 In accordance with a significant feature of preferred 

embodiments of the invention, each implantable device can be 
individually addressed and programmed to selectively operate in one 
or more of the following modes: (1) stimulation, (2) monitoring, 
and/or (3) communication. 

20 The novel features of the invention are set forth 

with particularity in the appended claims. The invention will be 
best understood from the following description when read in 
conjunction with the accompanying drawings. 

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WO 98/37926 PCTYUS98/03687 

FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of a 
microstimulator as known in the prior art; 

FIG. 2 comprises a block diagram of the device of the 
5 present invention including a battery for powering the device for 
a period of time in excess of one hour in response to a command 
from an external controller; 

FIG. 3A is a simplified functional block diagram of 
the use of the implanted devices of the present invention 
10 (microstimulators, microsensors and microtransponders ) in an 
environment where they are recharged and controlled from devices 
external to a patient's body; 

FIG. 3B shows a simplified timing diagram showing 
periodic breaks in the generation of the charging magnetic field to 
15 selectively interrogate the battery status of the implanted 
devices ; 

FIG. 4 is a simplified diagram showing the basic 
format of data messages for commanding/interrogating the implanted 
microstimulators, microsensors and microtransponders of the present 
20 invention; 

FIG. 5A shows a side view of a battery-powered 
implanted device, e.g., a microstimulator, made in accordance with 
the present invention; 

FIG. 5B shows a side view of another implantable 
25 battery-powered device, one employing an internal coupling 
capacitor, made in accordance with the invention; 

FIGS. 5C and 5D show two side cutaway views of the 
presently preferred embodiment of an implantable device mounted in 
a ceramic housing; 
30 FIGS. 6A and 6B conceptually illustrate parallel and 

series connections, respectively, of the electrodes used within a 
battery of a preferred implantable device; 

FIG. 7A illustrates the general cylindrical shape of 
the battery used within the preferred implantable device of the 
35 present invention; 



WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

FIG. 7B conceptually depicts the basic electrode pair 
used within the battery of the implantable device of the present 

FIGS. 8A-8G illustrate various configurations of 
5 electrode wrapping, stacking, interleaving, or other positioning of 
the basic electrode pair that may be used within a cylindrical 
shaped battery of the present invention; 

FIGS. 9A and 9B depict one manner in which the basic 
electrode pair may be stamped, folded and interleaved for use 
10 within a series-electrode battery configuration of the type shown 
in FIG. 8C; and 

FIG. 10 illustrates an exemplary waveform for drive 
pulses produced by a preferred microstimulator showing the drive 
pulse's low duty cycle. 
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WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 


The present invention is directed to a device 
configured for implanting beneath a patient' s skin for the purpose 
of tissue, e.g., nerve or muscle, stimulation and/or parameter 
5 monitoring and/or data communication. Devices in accordance with 
the invention are comprised of a sealed housing, preferably having 
an axial dimension of less than 60 mm and a lateral dimension of 
less than 6 mm, containing a power source and power consuming 
circuitry including a controller, an address storage means, a data 

10 signal receiver and an input/output transducer. When used as a 
stimulator, such a device is useful in a wide variety of 
applications to stimulate nerves and associated neural pathways, 
e.g., to decrease or relieve pain, stimulate specific muscles or 
organs to better carry out a body function (e.g., to exercise weak 

15 or unconditioned muscles or to control urinary incontinence) , and 
the like. Preferably microstimulators of the present invention are 
individually addressable for control purposes via a magnetic, RF or 
ultrasonic signal . 

FIG. 1 shows an exemplary prior art implantable 

20 stimulator 10 (as shown in FIG. 1 of the aforementioned U.S. Patent 
No. 5,312,439) implanted beneath a patient's skin 12 that receives 
power from an externally located power supply 14 via an alternating 
magnetic field generated by an externally mounted coil 18 that is 
energized by a transmitter 20. Within the stimulator 10, the 

25 magnetic field generates an AC current in a coil 22 that is 
rectified by rectifier 24 and stored in a capacitor 26 in 
conjunction with a regulator 28 to generate a voltage that powers 
its logic 30. The logic 30 is then used to generate a stimulation 
current between electrodes 32 and 34. Since the control logic 30 

30 relies upon power stored in the capacitor 26 to supply its 
operating power, it typically stops functioning in a short period 
of time after the external power supply 14 is removed as the charge 
stored in capacitor 26 is depleted. Consequently, when such a 
stimulator 10 is used in an application which requires continuous 

35 stimulation, e.g., for blocking pain in a neural pathway, the 
continuous presence and activation of the external power supply 14 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

is required. While such a continuous presence can be achieved by 
use of a portable power supply, its physical presence can be 
considered as a life style limitation. 

In contrast, FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of an 
5 electrically-powered implantable device 100 of the present 
invention {configured as a microstimulator ) that can stimulate 
tissue (e.g., a neural pathway or nerve) for a prolonged period of 
time, i.e., in excess of one hour, without requiring the continuous 
use of an external power source. Consequently, in an exemplary 

10 application, a preferred microstimulator 100 can be used to block 
pain in a selected nerve for a prolonged period of time, long after 
the external power source has been removed. The microstimulator 
100 of the present invention is comprised of a sealed housing 206 
(see FIG. 5) for enclosing a power source 102, e.g., a rechargeable 

15 battery 104, and power consuming electronic circuitry including (1) 
controller circuitry 106 powered by the power source 102 and having 
address storage circuitry 108 with an identification address (ID) 
stored within, (2) stimulation circuitry 110 powered by the power 
source 102 and operating under control of the controller circuitry 

20 106 for providing drive pulses to one or more electrodes (i.e., 
transducers) 112, and (3) receiver means 114 for providing command 
and address identification information to the controller circuitry 

In a preferred implementation, the power source 102 
25 comprises a rechargeable battery 104 used in conjunction with a 
charging circuit to provide sufficient power for prolonged 
activation of the controller circuitry 106 and the stimulation 
circuitry 110. However, embodiments of the present invention 
alternatively use a primary battery in place of the rechargeable 
30 battery 104, e.g., in applications where a treatment regimen is 
relatively short term and thus, the power requirements are within 
the power capacity of the primary battery. 

In operation, a coil 116 receives power in the form 
of an alternating magnetic field generated from an external power 
35 source 118 (see FIG. 3A) and responsively supplies an AC current to 
a rectifier 120 which is passed as a rectified DC current to a 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

charging circuit 122. The charging circuit 122 then monitors the 
voltage V on battery 104 and charges it according to its preferred 
charging characteristics (current and voltage) . As discussed 
further below, the charging circuit 122 preferably communicates via 
5 path 124 with the controller circuitry 106 which in turn 
periodically communicates with the external power source 118 via a 
magnetic, ultrasonic, or RF signal. 

In a typical application (see FIG . 3A) , a plurality 
of such devices 100, e.g., microstimulators, are implanted under 

10 the skin 12 of a patient's body and simultaneously subjected to an 
alternating magnetic field 154 from the external power source 118. 
Accordingly, once the charging circuit 122 determines that battery 
104 has been sufficiently charged, the charging circuit 122 
preferably detunes coil 116, e.g, by shunting out centertap 126 (or 

15 adding a capacitor across the coil), and thus minimizes any heat 
generation in the charging circuit 122 or in the battery 104 from 
overcharging. Thus, the external power source 118 can continue to 
provide charging power via an alternating magnetic field 
indefinitely. However in one preferred embodiment, the external 

20 power source periodically polls the implanted devices for status 
information and continues to provide charging power until it has 
received status information from each of the implanted devices 100 
that its battery 104 is charged. 

Both the controller circuitry 106 (via power input 

25 terminal 127a) and stimulation circuitry 110 (via power input 
terminal 127b) receive power from the battery 104 power output 
terminal 128. The power dissipation of circuitry within the 
implanted device 100 is minimized by the use of CMOS and other 
lower power logic. Accordingly, the required capacity of the 

30 battery 104 is minimized. 

The controller circuitry 106 controls the operation 
of the stimulation circuitry 110 using a controller 130 (preferably 
a state machine or microprocessor) according to configuration data 
within a configuration data storage 132 coupled to controller 130. 

35 The configuration data specifies various programmable parameters 
(discussed further below) that effect the characteristics of the 




WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

drive pulses generated by stimulation circuitry 110 as controlled 
by the controller 130. Preferably, each implanted device 100, 
e.g., microstimulator, can be actuated (enabled/disabled) or have 
its characteristics altered via communications with one or more 
5 devices external to itself. Accordingly, each implanted device 100 
uses its address storage 108, e.g., an EE PROM, PROM, or other 
nonvolatile storage device programmed during manufacture, to 
identify itself (e.g., using an ID code stored within of 8 or more 
bits) . Alternatively, the address storage 108 can be comprised of 

10 a portion of an integrated circuit that is mask programmed to form 
all or a portion of the ID and/or the use of a laser trimming 
process to designate all or the remaining portion of the ID. In a 
further alternative implementation, the ID can be designated by a 
selection of jumpers, e.g., wire bonds, used individually or in 

15 combination with the use of a laser trimming process. In 
operation, an external device (e.g., charger 118) transmits a 
modulated magnetic, ultrasonic, or RF command signal containing 
command information that includes an address field. When the 
implanted device 100 receives and demodulates this command signal 

20 to receive the command information within, it first determines 
whether there is a match to its address within its address storage 
108 before processing the rest of its data. Otherwise, the command 
information is ignored. 

In a first embodiment, alternating magnetic field 154 

25 is amplitude modulated with this command signal. Receiver 
circuitry 114a detects and demodulates this command signal by 
monitoring the signal generated across coil 116 (preferably the 
same coil used for charging the rechargeable battery 104) . The 
demodulated data is provided to a controller data input 134 via 

30 path 136 where its applicability to a particular implanted device 
100 is determined. Alternatively, the command signal can modulate 
an RF signal which can be detected in a similar manner by receiver 
114a (configured to demodulate an RF signal) using coil 116 as an 
antenna or using a separate antenna. 

35 In a next embodiment, an ultrasonic signal can be 

used to deliver this command signal to each implanted device 100. 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

In this embodiment, an ultrasonic transducer 138 located within the 
device 100 generates a signal 140 which is demodulated by 
ultrasonic demodulator 114b. This demodulated signal is then 
provided to an ultrasonic data input 142 via path 144 and processed 
5 in a manner similar to that described in reference to a magnetic 
signal. The ultrasonic implementation provides significant 
advantages in that a patient' s body is primarily comprised of fluid 
and tissue that is conducive to passing an ultrasonic signal. 
Consequently, a control device located anywhere inside (or external 

10 but in contact with) the patient's body can communicate with each 
device 100 implanted within. 

In a preferred embodiment, the implanted device 100 
includes means for transmitting status and data to external 
devices. In an exemplary charging mode, it is preferable that each 

15 device 100 can individually communicate with charger 118 so that 
charger 118 can determine when all of the implanted devices 100 
have been fully charged. Preferably, device 100 includes 
transmitter means to emit a magnetic signal modulated with this 
data. This transmitter means comprises modulator circuitry 146 

20 which amplitude modulates an AC voltage and delivers this modulated 
signal to coil 116 which emits a modulated magnetic signal. While 
this modulated signal can use a different carrier frequency from 
that of the AC signal used by the charger 118, it is preferable 
that the communication channel, i.e., the magnetic field 154 

25 between the devices, be time-shared as shown in FIG. 3B . In FIG. 
3B, the charger 118 emits an alternating magnetic field for a first 
time period 148. At the end of the first time period 148, this 
alternating magnetic field is modulated (e.g., amplitude modulated) 
with a series of bits corresponding to polling data corresponding 

30 to a selected microstimulator 100 (i.e., including an address for 
one implanted device) . The charger 118 then goes into a receive 
mode for a second time period 150 during which time the selected 
device 100 emits a magnetic signal modulated with a series of bits 
corresponding to its battery status. This charging/polling cycle 

35 preferably repeats for all of the implanted devices within the 
operational range of the charger 118. Once the charger 118 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

determines that all of the devices 100 have been charged, the cycle 
is terminated and the patient or clinician is preferably notified, 
e.g., using a visual or audio annunciator 152. 

Alternatively, ultrasonic means can be used to 
5 communicate status or other data from the implanted device 100 to 
an external device. In such an embodiment, an ultrasonic 
transmitter 168 under control of the controller 130 generates a 
modulated signal on line 170 that is emitted by ultrasonic 
transducer 138. As previously discussed, an ultrasonic signal 

10 efficiently passes through the body fluids and tissues and as such 
is a preferred communication means for communication between 
devices implanted within the patient's body, e.g., other 
microstimulators 100, and suitable for communication with external 
devices in contact with the patient's skin. 

15 The use of magnetic or ultrasonic communication, 

i.e., transmitter and receiver, means are not mutually exclusive 
and in fact a preferred implanted device includes both. For 
example as shown in FIG. 3A, a clinician's programmer 172 (a device 
for primarily programming the operation of the implanted devices 

20 100), can communicate with a microstimulator 100a using a modulated 
magnetic signal from magnetic emitter 190 and periodically receive 
a modulated magnetic signal from microstimulator 100a reflecting 
its battery status. While this magnetic means of communication is 
preferable during a charging mode, a patient control unit 174 

25 (e.g., a device in direct contact with the skin, typically in the 
form of a "wrist watch", primarily used for monitoring the status 
of the embedded devices 100) will preferably communicate using 
ultrasonic means. Additionally, communication between implanted 
microstimulators 100 is also desirable, e.g., in a master-slave or 

30 transponder-slave configuration. For these modes, ultrasonic means 
are preferable since ultrasonic signals efficiently pass through 
the body fluids. 

The battery-powered device 100 of the present 
invention is preferably configurable to operate in a plurality of 

35 operation modes, e.g., via a communicated command signal. 
Alternatively, preconf igured, battery-powered, implanted devices 



WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

are also considered to be within the scope of the present 
invention. In a first operation mode, device 100 (sized so that it 
can be implanted using a hypodermic needle type insertion tool 176) 
is configured to be a stimulator, hence such a device is referred 
5 to as a microstimulator (e.g., 100a and 100b) . In this embodiment, 
the controller 130 commands stimulation circuitry 110 to generate 
a sequence of drive pulses through electrodes 112 to stimulate 
tissue, e.g., a nerve, proximate to the implanted location of the 
microstimulator 100a or 100b. In operation, a programmable pulse 

10 generator 178 and voltage multiplier 180 are configured with 
parameters (see Table I) corresponding to a desired pulse sequence 
and specifying how much to multiply the battery voltage (e.g., by 
summing charged capacitors or similarly charged battery portions) 
to generate a desired compliance voltage V... A first FET 182 is 

15 periodically energized to store charge into capacitor 183 (in a 
first direction at a low current flow rate through the body tissue) 
and a second FET 184 is periodically energized to discharge 
capacitor 183 in an opposing direction at a higher current flow 
rate which stimulates a nearby nerve. Alternatively, as disclosed 

20 in the previously incorporated references, electrodes can be 
selected that will form an equivalent capacitor within the body 
tissue . 

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WO 98/37926 


Current : 






Charging currents : 
Current Range: 

Compliance Voltage: 

Pulse Frequency ( PPS ) 

Pulse Width: 

Burst On Time (BON) : 

Burst Off Time (BOF) : 

continuous current charging of 
storage capacitor 

1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 250, 500 ua 

0.8 to 40 ma in nominally 3.2% 

selectable, 3-24 volts in 3 volt 

1 to 5000 PPS in nominally 30% 

5 to 2000 us in nominally 10% steps 

1 ms to 24 hours in nominally 20% 

1 ms to 24 hours in nominally 20% 

Triggered Delay to BON: either selected BOF or pulse width 

Burst Repeat Interval 

Ramp On Time: 

Ramp Off Time: 

1 ms to 24 hours in nominally 20% 

0.1 to 100 seconds (1, 2, 5, 10 
steps ) 

0.1 to 100 seconds (1, 2, 5, 10 
steps ) 




Table I - Stimulation Parameters 

While the desirability of being able to stimulate 
tissue for a prolonged period of time has been described, failure 
modes can also be envisioned. Therefore, a magnet sensor 186 

(preferably a semiconductor, e.g., Hall-effect, sensor) is 
preferably coupled to the controller 130 which can be used to 
modify the function, e.g., discontinue operation, of the 
microstimulator 100 when exposed to a static magnetic field. Such 
a magnet sensor 186 can be activated by placing a safety magnet 187 

(to generate the static magnetic field) proximate to the 
microstimulator 100 at the patient's skin 12. Additionally, it is 
desirable that a microstimulator 100 cease operation when its 
battery voltage reaches a lower limit (or exceeds a maximum 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

temperature) as determined by the charging circuitry 122 and 
communicated to the controller circuitry 106. This ensures 
reliable operation as well as prolonging the useful life of the 
rechargeable battery 104. When this low voltage condition is 
5 detected, a preferred device periodically emits a corresponding 
status signal (preferably in response to remotely generated 
interrogation/polling signal) to request that the battery be 

In a next operation mode/ the battery-powered 

10 implantable device 100 can be configured to operate as a sensor, 
i.e., a microsensor 100c, that can sense one or more physiological 
or biological parameters in the implanted environment of the 
device. In a preferred mode of operation, a system controller, 
e.g., an externally located device or an implanted device, 

15 periodically request the sensed data from each microsensor 100c 
using its ID stored in address storage 108, and responsively sends 
command signals to microstimulators, e.g., 100a and 100b, adjusted 
accordingly to the sensed data. For example, a sensor 188 can be 
coupled to the electrodes 112 to sense or otherwise used to measure 

20 a biological parameter, e.g., temperature, glucose level, or 0 2 
content. Additionally, the ultrasonic transducer 138 or the coil 
116 can be used to respectively measure the magnetic or ultrasonic 
signal magnitudes (or transit durations) of signals transmitted 
between a pair of implanted devices and thus determine the relative 

25 locations of these devices. This information can be used to 
determine the amount of body movement, e.g., the amount that an 
elbow or finger is bent, and thus form a portion of a closed loop 
motion control system. 

In another operation mode, the battery-powered 

30 implantable device 100 can be configured to operate as a 
transponder, i.e., a microtransponder lOOd. In this operation 
mode, the microtransponder receives (via the aforementioned 
receiver means, e.g., magnetic or ultrasonic) a first command 
signal from a system controller and retransmits this signal 

35 (preferably after reformatting) to other implanted devices (e.g., 
microstimulators, microsensors , and/or microtransponders ) using the 


WO 98/37926 PCTYUS98/03687 

aforementioned transmitter means {e.g., magnetic or ultrasonic). 
While a microtransponder may receive one mode of command signal, 
e.g., magnetic, it may retransmit the signal in another mode, e.g., 
ultrasonic. For example, clinician's programmer 172 may emit a 
5 modulated magnetic signal using a magnetic emitter 190 to 
program/command the implanted devices. However, the magnitude of 
the emitted signal may not be sufficient to be successfully 
received by all of the implanted devices. As such, a 

microtransponder lOOd may receive the modulated magnetic signal and 

10 retransmit it (preferably after reformatting) as a modulated 
ultrasonic signal which can pass through the body with fewer 
restrictions. In another exemplary use, the patient control unit 
174 may need to monitor a microsensor 100c in a patient's foot. 
Despite the efficiency of ultrasonic communication in a patient' s 

15 body, an ultrasonic signal could still be insufficient to pass from 
a patient's foot to a patient's wrist (the typical location of the 
patient control unit 174) . As such, a microtransponder lOOd could 
be implanted in the patient's torso to improve the communication 
link . 

20 In still another operation mode, a battery-powered 

device can be configured to operate as a master system controller 
that can alter the operation of the other implanted devices, i.e., 
microstimulators and microsensors , in a closed loop mode of 
control . 

25 FIG. 4 shows the basic format of an exemplary message 

for communicating with the aforementioned battery-powered devices 
100, all of which are preconf igured with an address (ID), 
preferably unique to that device, in their identification storage 
108 to operate in one or more of the following modes (1) for nerve 

30 stimulation, i.e., as a microstimulator , (2) for biological 
parameter monitoring, i.e., as a microsensor, and/or (3) for 
retransmitting received signals after reformatting to other 
implanted devices, i.e., as a microtransponder. The command 
message 192 is primarily comprised of a (1) start portion 194 (one 

35 or more bits to signify the start of the message and to synchronize 
the bit timing between transmitters and receivers, (2) a mode 


WO 98/37926 



portion 196 (designating the operating mode, e.g., stimulator, 
sensor, transponder, or group mode) , (3) an address (ID) portion 
198 (corresponding to either the identification address 108 or a 
programmed group ID), (4) a data field portion 200 (containing 
command data for the prescribed operation) , (5) an error checking 
portion 202 (for ensuring the validity of the message 192, e.g., by 
use of a parity bit), and (6) a stop portion 204 (for designating 
the end of the message 192) . The basic definition of these fields 
are shown below in Table II. Using these definitions, each device 
can be separately configured, controlled and/or sensed as part of 
a system for controlling one or more neural pathways within a 
patient' s body. 








Data Field Portion 

8 bit identification address 
8 bit identification address 
4 bit identification address 
4 bit group identification 

Program/ Stimulate 
Parameter / 
Precon figuration 

Parameter Value 

select operating mode 

select programmable parameter in 
program mode or preconf igured 
stimulation or sensing parameter in 
other modes 
= program value 

Table II - Message Data Fields 

Additionally, each device 100 can be programmed with 
35 a group ID (e.g., a 4 bit value) which is stored in its 
configuration data storage 132. When a device 100, e.g., a 
microstimulator, receives a group ID message that matches its 
stored group ID, it responds as if the message was directed to its 

identification address 108. 

Accordingly, a plurality of 

40 microstimulators, e.g., 100a and 100b, can be commanded with a 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

single message. This mode is of particular use when precise timing 
is desired among the stimulation of a group of nerves. 

FIG. 5A shows a side view of a microst imulator 
100 made in accordance with the present invention which includes 
5 battery 104 for powering the circuitry within. The battery 104 
conveniently fits within a sealed elongate housing 206 (preferably 
hermetically sealed) which encases the microstimulator 100. In a 
preferred device 100, the axial dimension 208 is less than 60 mm 
and the lateral dimension 207 is less than 6 mm. 

10 For the embodiment shown in FIG. 5A, the battery 

104 is preferably housed within its own battery case 209, with the 
battery terminals comprising an integral part of its case 209 (much 
like a conventional AA battery) . Thus, the sides and left end of 
the battery 104 (as oriented in FIG. 5A) may comprise one battery 

15 terminal 210, e.g., the negative battery terminal, and the right 
end of the battery 104 may comprise the other battery terminal, 
e.g., the positive battery terminal used as the output terminal 
128. Advantageously, because such a battery case 209 is 
conductive, it may serve as an electrical conductor for connecting 

20 an appropriate circuit node for the circuitry within the 
microstimulator 100 from one side of the battery to the other. 
More particularly, for the configuration shown in FIG. 5A, the 
battery terminal 210 may serve as a ground point or node for all of 
the circuitry housed within the device housing 206. Hence, stem 

25 212 from the electrode 112a on the left end of the microstimulator 
100, which from an electrical circuit point of view is simply 
connected to circuit ground, may simply contact the left end of the 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

battery 104. Then, this same circuit ground connection is made 
available near or on the rim of the battery 104 on its right side, 
near one or more IC chips 216 (preferably implementing the device's 
power consuming circuitry, e.g., the controller 106 and stimulation 
5 circuitry 110) on the right side of battery 104 within the right 
end of the housing 206. By using the conductive case 209 of the 
battery 104 in this manner, there is no need to try to pass or fit 
a separate wire or other conductor around the battery 104 to 
electrically connect the circuitry on the right of the device 100 

10 with the electrode 112a on the left side of the device 100. 

FIG. 5B shows a battery powered microstimulator 
100' that is substantially the same as the device 100 shown in FIG. 
5A except that the microstimulator 100 1 includes internal coupling 
capacitor 183 (used to prevent DC current flow through the body 

15 tissue) . The internal coupling capacitor 183 is used for the 
embodiment shown in FIG. 5B because both of the microstimulator 
electrodes 112a and 112b used by the microstimulator 100 1 are made 
from the same material, iridium. In contrast, the electrodes 112a 
and 112b for the microstimulator 100 shown in FIG. 5A are made from 

20 different materials, and in particular from iridium (electrode 
112b) and tantalum (electrode 112a) , and such materials inherently 
provide a substantial capacitance between them, thereby preventing 
DC current flow. See, e.g., col. 11, lines 26-33, of U.S. Patent 
No. 5,324,316. 

25 FIGS. 5C and 5D show two side cutaway views of the 

presently preferred construction of the sealed housing 206, the 
battery 104, the capacitor 183 and the circuitry (implemented on 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

one or more IC chips 216) contained within. In this presently 
preferred construction, the housing 206 is comprised of an 
insulating ceramic tube 2 60 brazed onto a first end cap forming 
electrode 112a via a braze 262. At the other end of the ceramic 
5 tube 260 is a metal ring 264 that is also brazed onto the ceramic 
tube 260. The circuitry within, i.e., the capacitor 183, battery 
104, IC chips 216, and a spring 266 is attached to an opposing 
second end cap forming electrode 112b. A drop of conductive epoxy 
is used to glue the capacitor 183 to the end cap 112a and is held 

10 in position by spring 266 as the glue takes hold. Preferably, the 
IC chips 216 are mounted on a circuit board 268 over which half 
circular longitudinal ferrite plates 270 are attached. The coil 
116 is wrapped around the ferrite plates 270 and attached to IC 
chips 216. A getter 272, mounted surrounding the spring 266, is 

15 preferably used to increase the hermeticity of the device 100 by 
absorbing water introduced therein. An exemplary getter 272 
absorbs 70 times its volume in water. While holding the circuitry 
and the end cap 112b together, one can laser weld the end cap 112b 
to the ring 264. Additionally, a platinum, iridium, or platinum- 

20 iridium disk or plate 274 is preferably welded to the end caps of 
the device 100 to minimize the impedance of the connection to the 
body tissue. 

The battery 104 is described more fully below in 
connection with the description of FIGS. 6-8. Preferably, the 
25 battery 104 is made from appropriate materials so as to provide a 
power capacity of at least 1 microwatt-hour, preferably constructed 
from a battery having an energy density of about 240 mW-Hr/cm 3 . A 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

Li-I battery advantageously provides such an energy density. 
Alternatively, an Li-I-Sn battery provides an energy density up to 
360 mW-Hr/cm 3 . Any of these batteries, or other batteries 
providing a power capacity of at least 1 microwatt-hour may be used 
5 with the present invention. 

The battery voltage V of an exemplary battery 
is nominally 3.6 volts, which is more than adequate for operating 
the CMOS circuits which are used to implement the IC chip(s) 216, 
and/or other electronic circuitry, within the device 100. The 

10 battery voltage V, in general, is preferably not allowed to 
discharge below about 2.55 volts, or permanent damage may result. 
Similarly, the battery 104 should preferably not be charged to a 
level above about 4.2 volts, or else permanent damage may result. 
Hence, the aforementioned charging circuit 122 is used to avoid any 

15 potentially damaging discharge or overcharge. 

Turning next to FIGS. 6-9, additional details 
concerning the battery 104 used within the implantable device 100 
are presented. Basically, the battery 104 may take many forms, any 
of which may be used so long as the battery can be made to fit 

20 within the small volume available. As previously discussed, the 
battery 104 may be either a primary battery or a rechargeable 
battery. A primary battery offers the advantage of a longer life 
for a given energy output but presents the disadvantage of not 
being rechargeable (which means once its energy has been used up, 

25 the device 100 no longer functions) . However, for many 
applications, such as one-time-only muscle rehabilitation regimens 
applied to damaged or weakened muscle tissue, the device 100, e.g., 


WO 98/37926 


a microstimulator , need only be used for a short time (after which 
it can be explanted and discarded, or simply left implanted as a 
benign medical device) . For other applications, a rechargeable 
battery is clearly the preferred type of energy choice, as the 
5 tissue stimulation provided by the microstimulator is of a 
recurring nature. 

The considerations relating to using a 
rechargeable battery as the battery 104 of the implantable device 
100 are presented, inter alia, in the book, Rechargeable Batteries, 

10 Applications Handbook , EDN Series for Design Engineers, Technical 
Marketing Staff of Gates Energy Products, Inc. (Butterworth- 
Heinemann 1992). The basic considerations for any rechargeable 
battery relate to high energy density and long cycle life. Lithium 
based batteries, while historically used primarily as a 

15 nonrechargeable battery, have in recent years appeared commercially 
as rechargeable batteries. Lithium-based batteries typically offer 
an energy density of from 240 mW-Hr/cm : ' to 360 mW-Hr/cm 3 . In 
general, the higher the energy density the better, but any battery 
construction exhibiting an energy density resulting in a power 

20 capacity greater than 1 microwatt-hour is suitable for the present 

One of the more difficult hurdles facing the use 
of a battery 104 with the device 100 of the present invention 
relates to the relatively small size or volume inside the housing 
25 206 within which the battery must be inserted. A typical device 
100 made in accordance with the present invention will preferably 
be no larger than about 60 mm long and 6 mm in diameter and 


• 4 » 

WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

includes even smaller embodiments, e.g., 15 mm long with an O.D. of 
2.2 mm (resulting in an I.D. of about 2 mm). When one considers 
that only about H to H of the available volume within the device 
housing 206 is available for the battery, one begins to appreciate 
5 more fully how little volume, and thus how little battery storage 
capacity, is available for the device 100. 

The device 100, e.g., a micros timulator, of the 
present invention is designed to generally consume only small 
amounts of power. The principal power drain for power consuming 

10 circuitry of the microstimulator 100 is the stimulating current 
that is applied to the tissue in contact with the electrodes 112. 
A typical stimulating current is shown in FIG. 10 which exhibits a 
very low duty cycle. For example, an exemplary waveform for 
providing an essentially continuous stimulation of a nerve may have 

15 0.2 msec pulses (T ; .) that occur every 50 msec (TJ, i.e., at a 20 
Hz rate. 

If such current pulses have a peak value of 5 ma 
(I p ), and are delivered at a potential of 3.6 volts (V), then the 
peak output power (P), in units of watts (W) , delivered by the 
20 device is 

P = IV 

= (5 ma) (3 . 6 v) = 18 mW 
and the average output power, which is a function of the duty 
cycle, is 

25 P(ave)= 18 mW x .2/50 = 0.072 mW = 72 uW. 

If a nominal sized microstimulator is employed, 
having a length L of 15 mm and an I.D. of 2 mm (so the radius, r, 


WO 98/37926 


is 1 mm) , and assuming that 1/3 of the available length, or 5 mm, 
is available for the battery (L B ) , the battery would have a volume 

Vol BAT = nr 2 L B 

= n (1 mm) 2 (5 mm) (1 cmVlOOO mm 3 ) 
= 0.0157 cm 3 . 

Assuming the battery is fabricated from 
materials that exhibit an energy density of 240 mW-Hr/cm 3 , it is 
thus seen that a fully charged battery can support a nominal load 
of 72 uW (0.072 mW) for a time period of: 

(240 mW-Hr/cm 3 ) (0.0157 cm 3 ) / ( . 072 mW)=52.3 Hrs 
which is approximately 2.2 days. If a safety factor of at least 
two is employed, the battery should thus be recharged each day. 

However, other applications may require a 
significantly smaller drive currents (e.g./ 1 via) albeit at a 
higher duty cycle, e.g., bone growth stimulation, or possibly 
larger drive currents (e.g., 40 ma) at a smaller duty cycle, e.g., 
bladder stimulation or other applications that may only require 
nerve stimulation for minutes per day. A value of 1 microwatt-hour 
has been chosen as a minimum specification for a battery used in 
embodiments of the present invention. However, as shown above, 
embodiments of the present invention can include batteries with 
significantly higher capacities and thus such embodiments can 
encompass a larger range of applications. 

Turning next to FIGS. 6A and 6B, the manner in 
which the battery plates or electrodes may be connected in parallel 
or in series is illustrated. A parallel connection of interleaved 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

or stacked positive electrodes 218 with negative electrodes 220^is 
illustrated in FIG. 6A. A series connection of such interleaved 
electrodes is shown in FIG. 6B. In general, the resistance 
associated with the parallel connection is lower than the 
5 resistance associated with the series connection, which means that 
the time constant of the battery, i.e., the time it takes to 
discharge or charge the battery at a given current level, will be 
higher or longer for the series connection than it is for the 
parallel connection. While the discharge time constant is 
10 generally not of concern for purposes of the present invention 
(because so little current is drained from the battery when in 
use) , the charge time constant may be important (because that 
determines, at least in part, how long it takes to recharge the 
battery) . 

15 FIG. 7A depicts a typical cylindrical shape for 

the battery 104. In general, such shape has a lateral dimension or 
diameter D and an axial dimension or length L R . However, it is 
recognized that other shapes are possible and potentially 
advantageous. For example, a rectangular or prismatic shaped 

20 battery can also be used, including ones that may extend the full 
length of the housing 206, with the power consuming circuitry, 
e.g., the controller 106 the stimulation circuitry 110, mounted in 
the surrounding interior areas of the housing 206. 

The electrodes used within the battery 104 are 

25 arranged in pairs, and have a general relationship as shown in FIG. 
7B where the electrodes or plates are mounted in an opposed spaced 
relationship with an electrolyte disposed therebetween. A first 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

electrode 222 is made from a first material, e.g., copper (Cu) . A 
second electrode 224 is made from a second material, e.g., aluminum 
(Al) . A polypropylene separator 226 separates the two electrodes. 
The separator 226 physically separates and prevents the electrodes 
5 from touching each other, thereby preventing electron current flow 
between the electrodes, but has pores therein that allows ions to 
pass therethrough, thus allowing ionic current flow between the 
electrodes. A suitable electrolytic paste 228 surrounds the 
electrode 222. Another suitable electrolytic paste 230 surrounds 

10 the electrode 224. Suitable materials from which such electrolytic 
pastes may be made are described in the literature. Typically, the 
thickness of the electrode pair, X, including separator and 
electrolytic paste, is on the order to 0.010 or 0.024 inches, where 
the Cu and Al electrodes are each about 0.001 inches thick, the 

15 separator 226 is about 0.001 inches thick or less, and the 
electrolytic paste on each side of the electrode is about 0.002 to 
.008 inches thick. The combination of the two electrodes 222 and 
224, with separators 226, and electrolytic pastes 228 and 230 forms 
an electrode layer 232. A battery is formed by efficiently placing 

20 the electrode layer 232 in the available battery volume, and 
attaching suitable current collectors (conductors) to the positive 
electrode 222 and negative electrode 224 so that electrical contact 
may be made therewith. 

The various figures shown in FIGS. 8A-8F depict 

25 various configurations that may be used to form the cylindrical 
shaped battery 104 needed by the present invention. Each of the 
individual figures shows a side sectional side view of the battery 


• 4 

WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

container below a cross-sectional view (as viewed, e.g., from the 
top) of the container . 

In FIG. 8A, a length of the electrode layer 222 
and 224 is rolled in spiral fashion and inserted longitudinally 
5 into a cylindrical-shaped container or case 234. Conductive wires 
or tabs 236 and 238 are attached to the electrodes 222 and 224 
respectively and serve as the battery terminals. 

In FIG. 8B, a parallel-connected interleaved 
stack of circular-shaped positive electrodes 222 and negative 

10 electrodes 224 are laid into a conductive container 234. Separator 
layers (not shown) are laid in-between the electrodes as required. 
The positive electrodes 222 are each connected to a bus that 
contacts the container 234. The negative electrodes 224 are each 
connected to a bus that contact a conductive lid 239 of the 

15 container 234. Alternatively, the negative electrodes 224 can be 
connected to the bus that contacts the container and the negative 
electrodes 224 can be connected to the bus that contacts the lid 
239. Notches or cutouts 240 may be placed in each electrode to 
make a via for the buses that connect the electrodes to the 

20 container 234 or lid 239. An insulating ring 241 assures that the 
lid 239 does not short or touch the case 234. The container 234 
and lid 239 thus function as the battery terminals. 

FIG. 8C illustrates a series-connected 
interleaved stack. Except for the series connection, the 

25 arrangement shown in FIG. 8C is the same as that shown in FIG. 8B. 

FIG. 8D shows a parallel-connected interleaved 
vertical stack of rectangular electrode strips, of varying width. 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

The negative electrodes 224 are each connected to the lid 239. The 
positive electrodes 222 are each connected to the container 234. 
The container 234 and the lid 239 thus serve as the battery 
terminals . 

5 FIG. 8E shows a parallel-connected concentric 

electrode configuration where the electrodes 222 and 224 comprise 
concentric tubes of different diameters that fit inside of each 
other . 

FIG. 8F shows a wire electrode embodiment where 

10 the electrodes 222 and 224 are realized from a length of wire 
(approximately L B ) made from the appropriate material, e.g., Cu or 
Al, are positioned in an array such that the negative electrodes 
224 are adjacent positive electrodes 222. Separator sleeves 226' 
are placed over the electrode wires, e.g., the negative electrode 

15 wires. The appropriate electrolytic paste fills the voids around 
each of the respective electrodes. As required, the separator 226 ? 
keeps the appropriate electrolytic paste around the appropriate 
electrode, and prevents the other electrolytic paste from coming 
near such area. The negative wires 224 are attached to the bottom 

20 of the container 234, and the positive wire electrodes 222 are 
attached to the lid 239. 

FIG. 8G shows a parallel-connected cylindrical 
electrode embodiment, similar to FIG. 8E, but wherein each 
cylindrical electrode includes a gap or slit 242; with the 

25 cylindrical electrodes 222 and 224 on each side of the gap 242 
forming a common connection point for tabs 24 4 and 24 6 which serve 
as the electrical terminals for the battery. The electrodes 222 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

and 224 are separated by a suitable separator 248. The gap 242 
minimizes the flow of eddy currents in the electrodes. For the 
embodiment shown in FIG. 8G, there are four concentric cylindrical 
electrodes 222, the outer one (largest diameter) of which may 
5 function as the battery case 234, and three concentric electrodes 
224 interleaved between the electrodes 222, with six concentric 
cylindrical separator layers 248 separating each electrode 222 or 
224 from the adjacent electrodes. 

It is generally preferable to minimize the flow of 

10 eddy currents in the battery which could result in heat or 
otherwise shunting out a portion of the magnetic signal having a 
modulated command signal portion. As such, by not forming a 
battery with plates which form closed conductive loops, e.g., the 
configurations shown in FIG. 8A-8D and 8F, the eddy currents are 

15 minimized. However, circumstances can be envisioned where heating 
is desired in which case the embodiment of FIG. 8E may be desired. 

Turning next to FIG. 9A, one manner in which 
inexpensive electrodes may be formed for a series-connected 
electrode stack, such as that depicted in FIG. 8C, is illustrated. 

20 One set of electrodes 250 may be stamped and cut, e.g., from a 
0.002 inch thick sheet, in a suitable pattern, such as that shown. 
A complementary set of electrodes 252 may likewise be stamped and 
cut as shown. Each set of electrodes includes the basic circular 
shaped electrode connected by a suitable tab 254. The tabs 254 are 

25 offset from one electrode to the next. The electrode sets are then 
folded and interleaved, so that the offset tabs 254 do not 
interfere with each other, as depicted in FIG. 9B . Each of the 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

electrode sets 250, 252 is then inserted into the container 234, 
with a separator sleeve being inserted over one of the electrode 
sets, with an appropriate electrical connection being made between 
each electrode set and corresponding battery terminals. 
5 While the invention herein disclosed has been 

described by means of specific embodiments and applications 
thereof, numerous modifications and variations could be made 
thereto by those skilled in the art without departing from the 
scope of the invention set forth in the claims. For example, while 

10 primarily magnetic and ultrasonic means of communication have been 
discussed, other communication means are possible. In an 
alternative embodiment, implantable devices 100 can communicate via 
conduction, i.e., modulated sub-stimulation- threshold current 
pulses (pulses which do not stimulate the muscles or nerves) 

15 emitted through the electrodes, infrared, or when an implanted 
device is implanted just under the skin, translucent optical means 
can be used. Additionally, other means can be used to charge the 
battery within the implanted device including optical (e.g., solar 
cells) and mechanical devices or, alternatively, a nuclear energy 

20 implementation can be used to form a suitable primary battery. 

25 // 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 


We claim: 

1. A device configured for implantation beneath the 
skin of a patient's body, said device comprising: 

a sealed elongate housing having an axial 
dimension of less than 60 mm and a lateral dimension of less than 
6 mm; 

power consuming circuitry at least partially 
disposed in said housing having at least one power input terminal; 

a power source having at least one power output 

terminal ; 

said power source having a capacity of at least 
1 microwatt-hour; and 

means electrically coupling said power output 
terminal to said power input terminal for delivering electrical 
power to said circuitry. 

2. The device of claim 1 wherein said power source 
comprises a battery including: 

a case; 

a first conductive plate mounted in said case; 

a second conductive plate mounted in said case 
in opposed spaced relationship relative to said first plate; 

an electrolyte disposed between said first and 
second plates; and wherein 

said plates are configured to minimize eddy 

currents therein. 


« J 

WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

3. The device of claim 2 further including a 
charging circuit for producing a charging current in response to 
remotely produced electromagnetic energy; and 

means applying said charging current to said 

5 battery. 

4. The device of claim 3 further including: 

a coil positioned outside of a patient's body; 
means for energizing said coil with an AC signal 
10 to produce an alternating magnetic field for supplying energy to 
said charging circuit. 

5. The device of claim 1 wherein said power 
consuming circuitry includes: 
15 a controller; 

address storage means for storing an 
identification address ; 

an input/output transducer; and 

a data signal receiver for receiving a command 
20 data signal identifying said stored address for selectively 
actuating said input/output transducer. 

6. The device of claim 5 wherein said data signal 
receiver includes a coil responsive to a command data signal 
25 defined by a modulated magnetic field. 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

7. The device of claim 5 wherein said data signal 
receiver includes a transducer responsive to a command data signal 
defined by a modulated ultrasonic signal. 

5 8. The device of claim 5 wherein said power 

consuming circuitry further includes a data signal transmitter for 
transmitting a data signal. 

9. The device of claim 8 wherein said transmitter 
10 includes means for transmitting a data signal in the form of a 

modulated magnetic field. 

10. The device of claim 8 wherein said transmitter 
includes means for transmitting a data signal in the form of a 

15 modulated ultrasonic signal. 

11. The device of claim 5 wherein said input/output 
transducer comprises at least one electrode configured to produce 
an electrical current for stimulating tissue; and wherein 

20 said controller supplies a sequence of drive 

pulses to said electrode when said input/output transducer is 

12. The device of claim 11 wherein said controller 
25 is responsive to said command data signal to control one or more 

characteristics of said drive pulses. 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

13. The device of claim 11 further including: 

a sensor coupled to said controller responsive 
to a static magnetic field; and wherein 

said controller is configured to modify the 
5 function of said device in response to a static magnetic field 
detected by said sensor. 

14. The device of claim 11 further including a 
capacitor mounted in said housing for coupling said drive pulses to 

10 said electrode. 

15. The device of claim 8 wherein said input/output 
transducer comprises at least one electrode; and further including 
means for generating a data signal representative of an electrical 

15 signal conducted by said electrode. 

16. The device of claim 8 further including means 
for generating a data signal representative of the status of said 
power source. 


17. The device of claim 8 further including means 
for causing said transmitter to transmit a data signal related to 
said command data signal received by said data signal receiver. 

25 // 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

18. The device of claim 8 wherein said device is 
configurable via a command data signal identifying said stored 
address to selectively operate to (1) supply a sequence of drive 
pulses to said input/output transducer, (2) monitor an electrical 
5 signal from said input/output transducer, and/or (3) cause said 
data signal transmitter to transmit a data signal related to said 
command data signal received by said data signal receiver. 

10 // 

15 // 

20 // 

25 // 


WO 98/37926 


19. A device configured for implantation beneath the 
skin of a patient's body, said device comprising: 

a sealed elongate housing having an axial 
dimension of less than 60 mm and a lateral dimension of less than 
5 6 mm; 

power consuming circuitry at least partially 
disposed in said housing having at least one power input terminal; 

a rechargeable battery having at least one power 

output terminal; 

10 said rechargeable battery having a capacity of 

at least 1 microwatt-hour; and 

means electrically coupling said power output 
terminal to said power input terminal for delivering electrical 
power to said circuitry. 


20. The device of claim 19 wherein said battery 

comprises : 

a case; 

a first conductive plate mounted in said case; 
20 a second conductive plate mounted in said case 

in opposed spaced relationship relative to said first plate; 

an electrolyte disposed between said first and 
second plates; and wherein said plates are configured to minimize 
eddy currents therein. 
25 // 


WO 98/37926 PCT/US98/03687 

21. The device of claim 19 further including a 
charging circuit for producing a charging current in response to 
remotely produced electromagnetic energy; and 

means applying said charging current to said 

5 battery. 

22. The device of claim 21 further including: 

a coil positioned outside of a patient's body; 
means for energizing said coil with an AC signal 
10 to produce an alternating magnetic field for supplying energy to 
said charging circuit. 

15 // 


20 // 

25 // 


WO 98/37926 


23. A charger for providing an alternating magnetic 
field to one or more electrically-powered devices implanted beneath 
the skin of a patient's body wherein each of said electrically- 
powered devices is powered by a rechargeable battery mounted within 
each said device, said recharger comprising: 

a coil configured for mounting external to said 
patient's body, proximate to one or more of said electrically- 
powered devices; and 

a controller for periodically providing an AC 
signal to energize said coil; and wherein 

said controller additionally includes 
communication means for periodically providing a control signal to 
said electrically-powered devices to selectively interrogate the 
status of said rechargeable battery mounted within and receiving a 
status signal in response thereto. 

24. The charger of claim 23 wherein said 
communication means comprises amplitude modulating said AC signal 
with said control signal and receiving an AC signal amplitude 
modulated with said status signal in response thereto. 

25. The charger of claim 23 additionally comprising 
a transducer capable of emitting a modulated output signal and 
receiving a modulated input signal; and wherein said communication 
means comprises modulating the output of said transducer with said 
control signal and receiving an input signal modulated with said 
status signal in response thereto. 

WO 98/37926 


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FIG. 6A 



FIG. 6B 


FIG. 7A 

FIG. 7B 

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FIG. 8D 

FIG. 8E 

FIG. 8F 

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FIG. 8G 

FIG. 9B 

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« — 



International application No. 


IPC(6) :A61N 1/36 
US CL :607/61 

Ac cording to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 

U.S. : 607/33,2, 61 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


US 5,405,367 A (SCHULMAN et al) 11 April 1995, Abstract. 
US 5,324,316 A (SCHULMAN et al) 28 June 1994, Abstract 
US 5,591,217 A (BARRERAS) 07 January 1997, Abstract 


| | Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. | | See patent family annex. 

• Special categories or cited documenti: "T" later document published after tha international filing date or priority 

date and act in conflict with the application but cited to understand 
*A" document denning the general suite of the art which is not considered tha principle or theory underlying the invention 
to be of particular relevance 

. , _,. -X' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
•E* earlier document published on or after the international filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step 

•L- document which may throw doubt, on priority elaim(s) or which is whets *• docuroont » takmn ,lon8 

cited to establish the pubUcation data of another citation or other , y . documimt of particu l„ relevance; the claimed indention cannot be 
special reason las apccuiedj considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 

•O' document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
maaru ' being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

"P* document publuhod prior to the international filing date but later then document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
25 APRIL 1998 

Date of mailing of the international search report 

% 0 MAY 1998 

Name and mailing address of the ISA/US 
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks 
Box PCT 

Washington. D.C. 20231 ^ 
Facsimile No. (703) 305-3230 

Authdj^ed offie^<\ f 

telephone No. 703-308-2997 

y r § r 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second shect)(July 1992)*